Rowyn and her companions



An artist working in the VFX field for the past decade, working on various film and television. I began writing and creating my comic and story, Among Gods nearly 10 years ago; and I finally feel I have the skill, and connections to make my dream into a reality.


First commander and chief: Roscoe

Born May 5th 2009, Roscoe has been my ride or die companion for 13 years. He has traveled state to state with me and worked in several studios along side me. He has unofficially been some TV show’s mascot on the post production floor. He enjoys long naps, treats and being told he’s a good boi.


The Covid baby: Nico

Born June 13th 2020. Nico sprung into my life during the time of lock down and postmates. She has been on one United States tour and will be attending her second later this year. She is an English springer Spaniel who enjoys jumping, ear scratches, running away from you when you call her name.